Each country comes with its own governing rules and regulations. It is important to not each country’s law before jetting off. This is because laws, rules and regulations differ in each country, where legal activities in your home country are illegal in another. Here are 5 things you should know when traveling abroad:
·It is illegal to bring pornography, pork product, alcohol, firearms or religious book or materials other than those relating to Islam into Qatar.
·It is illegal to take pictures of people, particular women without their permission and in public.
·It’s illegal to take picture of government buildings or military sites.
·Have no criminal or immigration-related convictions.
·convince an immigration officer that you have ties such as a job, home, financial assets, or family that will take you back to your home country.
·convince an immigration officer that you will leave that CANADA at the end of your visit.
·It is illegal to be drunk in a pub.
·If at a drive through, you pay using your phone, you might break the law!
·Dressing up as a police officer is prohibited.
•No eating or drinking on public transport.
•No playing musical instruments in public.
•No connecting to someone else WI-FI
·Serious crimes as murder, can attract the death penalty.
·It’s illegal to import or drink alcohol unless you’re on a resort island.
·Don’t use or carry illegal drugs.